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Exploration Equipment Guides

Using MOLLE Strap Adapters

Attach any Daggerfish Strap Snap accessory to any MOLLE webbing loop using this simple adapter. Here's how.

Using your Field Bag

Daggerfish Field Bags are waxed canvas crossbody bags designed for a day in the field. Here's how to get the most out of your bag.

Using your Roll Top Bags

Daggerfish Roll-Top Bags are beautiful, weatherproof waxed canvas stuff sacks perfect for storing food and supplies for your travels. Here's how to use them.

Using your Snap Sling

The Snap Sling is a reversible holster for hatchets, handlines, trekking poles and other tools. Here's how to use it to carry the most common tools for hiking, camping, gardening, and more.

Using your Universal Knife Sheath

A versatile sheath for the world's favorite pocket knives, the Universal Knife Sheath is a vertical or horizontal sheath for knives and multitools from Leatherman, Victorinox, Opinel, SOG, and more. 

Using your Foragers Bag

Perfect for wild plants, mushrooms and more, the Collapsible Foragers Bag snaps onto a belt or backpack strap and unfolds to carry up to a liter of foraged food.

The Strap Snap System

Easily carry our fishing accessories, knife sheaths, and foraging gear on any standard size belt or pack strap. Change positions, switch to a horizontal carry, or remove and reattach products without ever needing to unbuckle a belt. 

Explore More Guides

Guide to Hand Line Fishing

1. Basic Handline Tackle Setup

Get started by exploring the features of your Daggerfish handline, and see how to set up the included tackle for your first fishing trip.

2. Handline Fly Fishing with a Casting Bubble

Fly fishing with a handline is easy with the use of a casting bubble. Learn how to set up a Daggerfish Streamer Kit or other fly fishing gear for handline-style fly fishing.

Fishing Accessory Guides

Using your Belt Box

View Daggerfish Exploration Gear here. The Daggerfish Belt Box is a reuseable silicone box that gives you quick and ...

Using your Mitten Scissors

View Daggerfish Mitten Scissors here. Mitten scissors are a versatile tool for spin fishing, fly fishing, and hand l...
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